Review 2024: Pricing, Alternatives & Features

Description: finds email addresses for outreach.
Updated: August 18, 2024
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What is is a nifty tool that’s become a favorite among marketers, sales folks, and anyone who needs to hunt down email addresses online. It’s all about making life easier when you’re trying to find someone’s contact info, which is super helpful for reaching out to potential leads or partners. If you check out reviews, you’ll see people raving about how it can verify email addresses and dig up complete contact details. It’s got some cool features like domain search, email checking, and even an API for the tech-savvy crowd. Whether you’re building a list of new leads or double-checking your existing contacts, is like having a secret weapon in your outreach arsenal.

Main features of

Let’s break down the coolest features that make it a must-have for pros looking to up their email outreach game and snag more leads. Here’s what you get:

Feature Description
🔍 Domain Search Find email addresses tied to a specific website in a snap.
✔️ Email Verification Make sure those email addresses are legit to avoid the dreaded bounce.
📊 Email Finder Track down specific email addresses using just a name and domain.
⚙️ API Access For the tech wizards: plug features right into your own apps.
📝 Bulk Tasks Handle big lists of email addresses for searching and checking all at once. Review: Pros & Cons

Thinking about giving a spin for your email outreach and lead hunting? Let’s weigh the good and the not-so-good to help you decide if it’s right for you.

Pros Cons
Finds email addresses for domains like a bloodhound. Free version is pretty limited in monthly searches.
Top-notch email checking keeps those bounce rates down. Paid plans might make your wallet wince if you’re a small business.
Plays nice with other tools thanks to API access. Sometimes the data isn’t 100% on point.
Bulk processing is a real time-saver. Newbies might find the interface a bit tricky at first.
Gives you the full contact scoop for better outreach. Might miss some emails, especially for brand new websites.

How to use

Getting the hang of can really boost your email outreach and lead generation game. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you make the most of it:

  1. Sign Up and Log In: First things first, create your account. You can start with the free plan to test the waters or jump into a paid subscription if you’re ready to dive in. Once you’re set up, log in to your shiny new dashboard.
  2. Try a Domain Search: Head over to the Domain Search tab on your dashboard. Type in the website of the company you’re curious about. will work its magic and serve up a list of email addresses linked to that domain, along with names, job titles, and even social media profiles.
  3. Check Those Emails: Use the Email Verification tool to make sure the addresses you’ve found are actually working. This step is crucial for keeping your bounce rates low and your email reputation squeaky clean.
  4. Hunt for Specific Emails: If you’re after someone in particular, the Email Finder tab is your best friend. Just pop in their first name, last name, and the company domain. will do its best to track down their work email.
  5. Go Big with Bulk Processing: Got a whole bunch of domains or emails to look up? The Bulk task feature has got you covered. Upload a CSV file with all your info, and will crunch through it all at once, saving you a ton of time and effort.
  6. Get Techy with API Access: For the developers out there or businesses wanting to bake right into their own tools, the API is where it’s at. Check out the API docs to learn how to integrate domain searches, email checks, and email finding directly into your software.
  7. Review and Export Your Findings: Once you’ve gathered all that juicy email data, take a good look at it on your dashboard. lets you export everything in formats like CSV, so it’s a breeze to plug into your CRM or email marketing tools.

Follow these steps, and you’ll be using like a pro in no time, streamlining your outreach and beefing up your lead generation strategy.


What is

Think of as your personal email detective. It helps you track down email addresses linked to specific websites, making it a breeze to connect with the right people.

How to use

To get the most out of, start by setting up an account. Then, you can search for domain names to dig up email addresses. Don’t forget to use the email checker to make sure they’re legit. also plays nice with lots of CRMs and even gives you templates to make your outreach smoother.

What does do? is like a bloodhound for professional email addresses. It sniffs out emails associated with different websites, making it easier for you to reach out to potential contacts. It does this by tapping into a massive database of publicly available info.

How to use for free?

Want to take for a test drive? Sign up for their free trial and you’ll get to play with basic email searches and checks. It’s perfect if you just need to do a few lookups here and there.

How to cancel subscription?

Ready to part ways with No sweat. Just log into your account, find your way to the billing section, and hit that “Cancel Subscription” button. Follow the prompts, and you’ll be all set.

How to delete account?

If you’re looking to completely wipe your account, here’s what to do: Log in, navigate to your account settings, and look for the option to delete your account. Follow the steps, and poof – your account will be gone.