Link Whisper Review 2024: Pricing, Alternatives & Features

Description: Enhances internal linking for SEO.
Updated: August 16, 2024
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Link Whisper Reviews

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4 (6)
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5 (66)
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4.97 (66)
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4.5 (17)
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Link Whisper Statistics

Visit Over Time
BounceRate 0.5139928244524646
Month 6
Year 2024
PagePerVisit 1.782195377725234
Visits 102673
TimeOnSite 33.772059773788705
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April 2024 - June 2024 All traffic
Top Keywords
Keyword Traffic Cost Per Click
link whisper 8950 $2.18
linkwhisper 4760 $0.42
find video source 5720 $2.32
find similar videos 790 --
link whisper auto internal linking 40 --

Link Whisper Pricing

1 Site License - $77
3 Site License - $147
10 Site License - $197

What is Link Whisper

Link Whisper is a cool WordPress plugin that makes internal linking a breeze for bloggers and website owners. It uses some smart AI tech to suggest links as you’re writing, so you can boost your SEO without breaking a sweat. Lots of folks who’ve tried it say it’s a game-changer for making their sites easier to navigate and more search engine-friendly. I’ve seen plenty of Link Whisper reviews where users rave about how it’s saved them tons of time and helped them create a better-connected web of content that Google seems to love.

Main features of Link Whisper

Link Whisper’s got a bunch of neat features to help you nail your internal linking strategy. Here’s the lowdown on some of the best bits:

Feature Description
💡 Smart Link Suggestions It’s like having a super-smart assistant that drops link ideas while you’re writing.
🕒 Time-Saving Automation Say goodbye to hours of manual linking – this bad boy does the heavy lifting for you.
📈 SEO Optimization Gives your site’s SEO a boost by sprinkling in more internal links.
🧩 User-Friendly Interface It’s a breeze to use, even if you’re not tech-savvy.
🔍 Reporting and Insights Keeps you in the loop with detailed reports on how your internal linking is shaping up.
🌐 Multi-Site Support Perfect if you’re juggling multiple websites – it’s got your back.

Link Whisper Review: Pros & Cons

Alright, let’s get real about Link Whisper. It’s got some awesome features, but like anything, it’s not perfect. Here’s the scoop on what’s hot and what’s not:

Pros Cons
👍 Saves Time 👎 You gotta pay to play (subscription model)
👍 Boosts SEO 👎 Sometimes suggests links that don’t quite fit
👍 Makes your site easier to use 👎 Might take a bit to get the hang of it
👍 Detailed Reporting 👎 Needs regular updates (like most plugins)
👍 Multi-Site Support 👎 Relies on AI, which isn’t always spot-on

How to use Link Whisper?

Getting started with Link Whisper is pretty straightforward, and it can do wonders for your site’s SEO. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you hit the ground running:

  1. Install the Plugin: First things first, grab Link Whisper from the WordPress plugin marketplace or upload it yourself. Once it’s there, just hit activate.
  2. Tweak the Settings: Head over to the Link Whisper menu in your WordPress dashboard. You can play around with stuff like how often you want links to show up and set your target keywords.
  3. Start Writing: Now for the fun part – start writing a new post or edit an old one. Link Whisper will work its magic in the background, coming up with link ideas as you type.
  4. Check Out the Suggestions: You’ll see a box pop up below your editor with a bunch of link ideas. Take a look and see which ones feel right for your content.
  5. Add Those Links: Like what you see? Just click the checkmark next to a suggestion, and bam – it’s in your content. You can add as many as you want to create a web of internal links.
  6. Dive into the Reports: When you’re ready to get your data fix, hit up the Link Whisper dashboard for all sorts of stats and insights. It’ll show you things like how many internal links each post has and suggest links for those lonely pages without any.
  7. Spruce Up Old Content: Got a ton of old posts? No sweat. Use the bulk link tool to quickly add internal links to a bunch of posts at once. It’s like giving your whole site an SEO makeover.

Follow these steps, and you’ll be a Link Whisper pro in no time. It’s all about making your site more connected and Google-friendly without the headache of doing it all manually.

FAQ: Link Whisper

What is Link Whisper?

Link Whisper is this nifty WordPress plugin that makes internal linking a piece of cake. It uses some clever AI to suggest and create links within your site, giving your SEO a nice boost.

How to use Link Whisper?

Using Link Whisper is pretty simple. Once you’ve got it installed, it’ll start suggesting links as you write. Just pick the ones you like, and it’ll add them to your content. It’s all about making your site more connected without the hassle.

What does Link Whisper do?

In a nutshell, Link Whisper helps you build a network of internal links on your site. It uses AI to suggest relevant links as you’re writing, which can really help with your site’s structure and make it easier for both visitors and search engines to navigate.

How to use Link Whisper for free?

Want to take Link Whisper for a test drive? Head over to their website and sign up for their free trial. You’ll get to play with all the features without spending a dime.

How to cancel Link Whisper subscription?

Had enough of Link Whisper? No worries. Just log into your account, find the ‘Subscriptions’ section, and hit ‘Cancel Subscription.’ They’ll walk you through the rest.

How to delete Link Whisper account?

Ready to part ways with Link Whisper for good? Log into your account, go to your settings, and look for an option to deactivate or delete your account. Follow the prompts, and you’ll be all set.

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