Review 2024: Pricing, Alternatives & Features

Description: enhances content with AI-driven optimizations.
Updated: August 12, 2024
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"Plus" - "$99"
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What is is a pretty cool platform that uses fancy AI tech to boost your digital marketing game. It’s all about making your website content shine in search engine results. Think of it as your SEO sidekick, doing the heavy lifting on keyword research, content ideas, and strategy tweaks. This nifty tool is a real time-saver, helping marketers climb those search rankings without breaking a sweat. In this quick look at, we’ll check out how it uses AI to not just handle the usual SEO stuff, but also give you some solid tips to really pump up your online presence. Whether you’re a marketing pro or just starting out with your small business,’s got something for everyone – and it’ll save you a ton of time and headaches along the way.

Main features of comes packed with some seriously helpful tools to supercharge your digital marketing. Here’s what you can expect from this AI-powered platform:

Feature Description
🔍 Keyword Analysis Finds the best keywords for your content without you having to lift a finger.
✍️ Content Suggestions Gives you AI-powered ideas to spice up your content and make search engines love it.
📈 Performance Tracking Keeps an eye on how your website’s doing and gives you tips to keep getting better.
🧠 AI Content Generation Whips up quality content based on AI smarts, saving you time and brain power.
📊 Competitor Analysis Checks out what your competitors are up to and helps you outdo them in search rankings.
🔄 Automation Takes care of the boring SEO tasks so you can focus on the fun, creative stuff. Review: Pros & Cons

Let’s be real – every tool has its ups and downs. Here’s an honest look at what’s great about and where it might fall short:

Pros Cons
💡 Smart AI that makes SEO tasks a breeze. 🔧 Might take a bit to figure out if you’re new to it.
📊 Digs deep into keywords and keeps tabs on competitors. 💰 The really good stuff might be pricey for smaller businesses.
📝 Churns out great content, saving you tons of time. 🔍 AI suggestions aren’t always 100% customizable.
📈 Constantly tracks how you’re doing and gives actionable advice. 🔄 Some folks might miss having more hands-on control.

How to use

Getting started with is pretty straightforward, and it can really give your digital marketing a boost. Here’s a down-to-earth guide to making the most of

  1. Sign up: Head over to and create an account. You’ll need to punch in some basic info and pick a plan that works for you.
  2. Add your website: Once you’re in, just pop your website’s URL into the dashboard. This lets take a look at what you’ve got going on.
  3. Keyword digging: Use the Keyword Analysis tool to find those golden keywords. will suggest some based on how often they’re searched, how tough the competition is, and how relevant they are to your stuff.
  4. Content tweaks: Check out the Content Suggestions section to beef up your website’s content. will give you some AI-powered tips to help you climb those search rankings.
  5. Let AI do the writing: If you need fresh content, try the AI Content Generation tool. Just give it your main keyword, and it’ll whip up some SEO-friendly content you can pop right onto your site.
  6. Spy on the competition: Use the Competitor Analysis feature to see what your rivals are up to. will look at their content and SEO tricks, helping you come up with even better strategies.
  7. Keep an eye on progress: Regularly check the Performance Tracking to see how you’re doing. gives you all the nitty-gritty details to help you keep improving.
  8. Set it and forget it: Set up some automation for those repetitive SEO tasks. This way, you can focus on the big picture stuff while handles the day-to-day grind.

Follow these steps, and you’ll be using like a pro in no time. It’s all about boosting your website’s search game while saving you a ton of time and hassle.


What is is a smart AI tool that helps you up your SEO game. It uses data and automated strategies to make your website more visible in search results.

How to use

Using is pretty simple. Just pop in your content, and it’ll analyze it for you. It’ll suggest keywords, help make your text easier to read, and give you tips to boost your SEO. Just follow its advice to help your content show up better in search engines.

What does do? takes care of keyword research, keeps an eye on your competitors, and helps make your content better. It’s all about getting your website to rank higher in search results without you having to do all the hard work.

How to use for free?

Want to give a spin without spending a dime? Just sign up for their free trial. You’ll get to play around with various tools and features to see how it can help your SEO strategy.

How to cancel subscription?

Ready to call it quits with No worries. Just log into your account, head to settings, and look for the subscription tab. Follow the steps to cancel. If you get stuck, just give their customer support a shout – they’ll sort you out.

How to delete account?

Want to wipe the slate clean? To delete your account, log in, go to your account settings, and look for the option to delete your account. Double-check if you’re sure, and then your account will be gone for good.