Backlinko Review 2024: Pricing, Alternatives & Features

Description: SEO tool for quality backlink analysis.
Updated: August 27, 2024
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Monthly Traffic: 984886
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Backlinko Reviews

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4.8 (45)
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4.0 (3)
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3.5 (1)
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Backlinko Statistics

Visit Over Time
BounceRate 0.6357299501665412
Month 6
Year 2024
PagePerVisit 1.6531157218754562
Visits 984886
TimeOnSite 86.73890197031542
US 17.12%
IN 16.75%
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Social 0.93%
Paid Referrals 0.21%
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Referrals 3.62%
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Direct 27.32%
April 2024 - June 2024 All traffic
Top Keywords
Keyword Traffic Cost Per Click
backlinko 17270 $4.73
seo checklist 6220 $0.60
domain authority checker 54810 $1.00
chatgpt alternatives 26710 $0.77
seo tools 32230 $1.90

What is Backlinko

Backlinko is a go-to website for anyone looking to up their SEO game. Created by Brian Dean, a guy who really knows his stuff when it comes to search engine optimization, Backlinko is packed with helpful resources. You’ll find everything from in-depth guides to blog posts full of practical tips that can help boost your website’s traffic and performance. Lots of folks in the digital marketing world have shared their thoughts on Backlinko, and most of them have great things to say about how it’s helped them improve their SEO skills. Whether you’re just starting out or you’ve been in the game for a while, Backlinko has something for everyone who wants to get better at SEO.

Main features of Backlinko

Backlinko offers a bunch of cool tools and strategies to help you step up your SEO game. Here’s a quick rundown of what you can expect:

Feature Description
📘 In-depth Guides Easy-to-follow, step-by-step guides on all sorts of SEO topics.
📊 Serious Analytics Detailed breakdowns to help you track how well your SEO efforts are paying off.
✍️ Interesting Blog Posts Regular updates with fresh takes on what’s happening in the SEO world.
🔗 Link-Building Tips Smart ways to get quality backlinks and climb up those search rankings.
📈 SEO Courses In-depth training to help you become an SEO pro.

Backlinko Review: Pros & Cons

Let’s take a look at the good and not-so-good parts of Backlinko. Like anything, it’s got its strengths and a few areas where it could do better. Here’s a quick breakdown to help you decide if it’s right for you:

Pros Cons
Top-notch content backed by solid research. Some of the fancy stuff can be a bit pricey.
Practical tips you can actually use, with real-world examples. It takes time and effort to see big results.
Easy to use and find what you’re looking for. Some strategies might be a bit much for SEO newbies.
Keeps up with the latest SEO trends. Not as much free stuff as some other sites offer.
Great ideas for building links. Customer support can be slow when things get busy.

How to Use Backlinko?

Getting the most out of Backlinko takes a bit of planning, but it’s worth it. Here’s a beginner-friendly guide to help you dive in and make the most of what Backlinko has to offer:

  1. Sign Up: First things first, hop on the Backlinko website and create an account. This’ll give you access to all the good stuff.
  2. Check Out the Guides: Head over to the guides section. These babies cover all sorts of SEO topics and give you step-by-step instructions that are up-to-date with what’s working now.
  3. Keep an Eye on the Blog: Make it a habit to check out the blog regularly. You’ll find fresh ideas and tips on what’s new in SEO. Plus, they often share quick wins you can try right away.
  4. Take Some Courses: If you’re serious about upping your SEO game, try out Backlinko’s training courses. They’ve got something for everyone, whether you’re just starting out or you’ve been at it for a while.
  5. Try Out Their Link-Building Tips: Backlinko’s known for its link-building strategies. Give them a shot – they’re designed to help you get those high-quality backlinks that can really boost your rankings.
  6. Use Their Analytics Tools: Take advantage of Backlinko’s analytics to see how you’re doing. Keep an eye on your key numbers to understand what’s working and what needs some tweaking.
  7. Get Involved with Others: Jump into the Backlinko community. Chat with other folks, share what’s worked for you, and learn from their experiences. It’s a great way to pick up extra tips and maybe even make some connections.
  8. Keep Learning: SEO’s always changing, so make sure you stay on top of Backlinko’s latest content. It’ll help you keep up with all the changes in the SEO world.

Follow these steps, and you’ll be well on your way to making the most of Backlinko and boosting your search rankings. Just remember, SEO success doesn’t happen overnight, so stick with it!

FAQ: Backlinko

What is Backlinko?

Think of Backlinko as your go-to SEO coach. It’s a website that offers training and tips on SEO and link building, helping businesses climb up those search engine rankings.

How to use Backlinko?

Using Backlinko is pretty straightforward. Start by digging into their guides and articles. Watch their tutorials, try out their tips, and see what works for your website. It’s all about learning and putting those ideas into action to boost your search rankings.

What does Backlinko do?

Backlinko is like a treasure trove of SEO knowledge. They offer expert training and resources to help businesses show up higher in search results and get noticed online.

How to use Backlinko for free?

Want to test the waters? Sign up for Backlinko’s free trial. You’ll get to check out their SEO strategies, tutorials, and resources without spending a dime – at least for a little while.

How to cancel Backlinko subscription?

Ready to call it quits? Log into your Backlinko account, head to your subscription settings, and look for the cancel option. Click it, confirm, and you’re done. Easy peasy!

How to delete Backlinko account?

If you’re looking to erase your Backlinko footprint, log in and find your account settings. Look for something like “Delete Account,” follow the steps, and confirm. Just make sure you’ve saved any important stuff before you hit that final button!

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