BuzzSumo Review 2024: Pricing, Alternatives & Features

Description: BuzzSumo: Content research and social analytics tool.
Updated: September 7, 2024
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BuzzSumo Reviews

Our Rating
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Capterra Rating
4.5 (146)
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5 (17)
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Trustpilot Rating
3.7 (4)
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BuzzSumo Statistics

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Keyword Traffic Cost Per Click
buzzsumo 45000 $1.28
buzz sumo 4120 $1.94
buzzsumo free 510 $7.31
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BuzzSumo Pricing

"Content Creation" - "$199 /mo"
"PR & Comms" - "$299 /mo"
"Suite" - "$499 /mo"
"Enterprise" - "$999 /mo"

What is BuzzSumo

BuzzSumo is like your secret weapon for online marketing. It’s this cool tool that helps marketers, PR folks, and content creators figure out what’s hot on the internet. Think of it as your personal trend-spotter, sifting through tons of content to show you what’s catching people’s eyes and who’s making waves in your field. It’s not just about finding popular stuff, though – BuzzSumo also lets you dig into the nitty-gritty of content performance, like tracking backlinks and seeing how things are doing on social media. If you’re thinking about upping your content game, you might want to check out a detailed BuzzSumo review. It could give you some great ideas on whether it’s the right fit for what you’re trying to do.

Main features of BuzzSumo

BuzzSumo’s got a bunch of cool features that make it a real game-changer for content creators and marketers. Here’s a quick look at some of the main things BuzzSumo can do to help you step up your content strategy:

Feature Description
🔍 Content Discovery Uncover the most popular content on any topic, keyword, or website you’re interested in.
📈 Content Analysis See how well content is doing by looking at things like social shares and backlinks.
👨‍💼 Influencer Identification Find the big names and up-and-comers in your industry.
🔗 Backlink Tracking Keep an eye on who’s linking to your stuff and sending traffic your way.
📊 Social Media Metrics Check out how your content is doing on social media – are people sharing it?
💡 Content Ideas Get inspiration for new content to keep your strategy fresh and interesting.

BuzzSumo Review: Pros & Cons

Alright, let’s get real about BuzzSumo. Like any tool out there, it’s got its ups and downs. I’ve used it myself, and I’ve got to say, it’s pretty nifty, but it’s not perfect. Let’s break down the good and the not-so-good so you can figure out if it’s worth your time and money.

Pros Cons
It’s amazing at finding trending topics in your niche. Seriously, it’s like having a crystal ball for content. It can be pretty pricey, especially if you’re just starting out or running a small business.
The analytics are top-notch. You can really see how your content is performing across the board. The free version is pretty limited. You might feel like you’re missing out on the good stuff.
Finding influencers is a breeze. It’s great for connecting with the big names in your industry. Sometimes there’s so much data, it can make your head spin. It takes time to figure out what’s actually useful.
Tracking backlinks is super helpful. You can see who’s sharing your stuff and driving traffic. The data isn’t always up-to-the-minute fresh. Sometimes it’s a bit behind the times.
The social media metrics are really useful for seeing how far your content is reaching. If you’re new to this kind of tool, the interface might take some getting used to.
The content ideas feature is great when you’re feeling stuck. It’s like a creativity boost in a box. Not every feature is going to be a home run for everyone. You might end up paying for stuff you don’t use.

How to use BuzzSumo

Okay, so you’ve decided to give BuzzSumo a shot. Great choice! It’s pretty user-friendly once you get the hang of it. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you make the most of it:

  1. Create an Account: First things first, head over to the BuzzSumo website and sign up. They’ve got a free trial, which is perfect for testing the waters before you commit to anything.
  2. Dashboard Overview: Once you’re in, you’ll see the dashboard. This is your command center. You’ve got quick access to all the main features like content research, finding influencers, and analyzing content.
  3. Content Discovery: Ready to find some awesome content? Just type a keyword, topic, or website into the search bar. BuzzSumo will show you the most popular stuff related to your search, with all sorts of cool stats like social shares and backlinks.
  4. Content Analysis: See a piece of content that catches your eye? Click on it to dive deeper. You’ll get the lowdown on social shares, backlinks, and overall engagement. It’s super helpful for understanding what kind of content people in your niche are loving.
  5. Influencer Identification: Want to find the big names in your industry? Hit up the “Influencer” tab and type in some relevant keywords. You’ll get a list of influencers along with info like their domain authority and social media following.
  6. Content Alerts: This feature is like having your own personal content scout. Set up alerts for specific keywords, websites, or authors, and BuzzSumo will let you know when new content pops up. It’s great for staying on top of trends and keeping an eye on what your competitors are up to.
  7. Backlink Tracking: Head to the “Backlinks” tab to see who’s linking to your content. This is gold for understanding your content’s reach and finding potential collaboration opportunities.
  8. Generating Content Ideas: Feeling stuck? Check out the “Trending Now” and “Content Ideas” features. They’re like a brainstorming session in a box, giving you tons of inspiration for your next piece of content.
  9. Exporting Data: If you’re a data nerd (no judgment, I am too!), you’ll love that you can export all this juicy info as a CSV file. It’s super handy for creating reports or doing your own deep-dive analysis.

And there you have it! With these steps, you’ll be using BuzzSumo like a pro in no time. It’s all about playing around with the features and finding what works best for your specific needs. Don’t be afraid to experiment – that’s how you’ll get the most out of it!

FAQ: BuzzSumo

What is BuzzSumo?

In a nutshell, BuzzSumo is this super handy tool that helps you figure out what content is killing it online. It digs through tons of stuff on the internet to show you what’s getting shared the most across different platforms.

How to use BuzzSumo?

Using BuzzSumo is pretty straightforward. Just type in what you’re interested in, and boom – you’ll get a ton of info on popular content, key players in your field, and what’s trending. You can tweak the filters to zero in on exactly what you’re looking for, and use the analytics to see how your own content is doing. It’s like having a content strategy coach right at your fingertips!

What does BuzzSumo do?

BuzzSumo is like your personal content detective. It helps marketers find out what kind of content is resonating with people and who the big influencers are in any given field. You can use it to come up with fresh content ideas, keep tabs on what your competitors are up to, and get a better handle on what your audience really digs.

How to use BuzzSumo for free?

Want to give BuzzSumo a test drive without spending a dime? No problem! Just sign up for their free trial. It’ll give you a taste of most of their features without having to whip out your credit card. It’s a great way to see if it’s the right fit for you before committing to anything.

How to cancel BuzzSumo subscription?

Decided BuzzSumo isn’t for you? No worries, canceling is easy. Just log into your account, head over to ‘Account Settings’, and look for the cancellation option. Make sure you hit that final confirm button to make it official. It’s always a good idea to double-check that everything went through correctly.

How to delete BuzzSumo account?

Ready to say goodbye to BuzzSumo for good? Here’s what you do: log in to your account, find your way to the account settings, and look for something like “Manage Account”. From there, you should see an option to permanently delete your account. Just follow the steps, and you’ll be all set. Remember, once it’s gone, it’s gone for good, so make sure you really want to do this!

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