Majestic Review 2024: Pricing, Alternatives & Features

Description: Majestic: premier backlink analysis and SEO software.
Updated: September 4, 2024
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Majestic Reviews

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4.4 (29)
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2.8 (11)
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4.3 (72)
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Majestic Statistics

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BounceRate 0.34385752716291684
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PagePerVisit 4.907206808642484
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Keyword Traffic Cost Per Click
majestic seo 10500 $1.54
majestic 188370 $0.48
majesticseo 2900 $1.67
trust flow 2160 -- 970 --

Majestic Pricing

LITE Monthly - $49.99
LITE Annually - $499.99
PRO Monthly - $99.99
PRO Annually - $999.99
API Monthly - $399.99
API Annually - $3,999.90

What is Majestic

Majestic is a top-notch SEO tool that’s all about digging into your website’s backlink profile. It’s like a super-powered magnifying glass for your site’s link juice. Using some pretty nifty algorithms and a massive database, Majestic serves up a buffet of stats and metrics that help you figure out how those backlinks are boosting (or maybe dragging down) your search engine rankings. When folks review Majestic, they’re often blown away by how useful it is for keeping tabs on link-building efforts, sizing up the competition’s backlink game, and sniffing out high-quality link opportunities. With all this intel at their fingertips, marketers, SEO geeks, and website owners can make smart moves to pump up their online presence and get more organic traffic flowing.

Main features of Majestic

Majestic’s got a whole bunch of cool tools and insights that SEO pros go nuts for. Whether you’re trying to keep track of your backlinks, spy on your competitors, or find some sweet new link-building opportunities, Majestic’s got your back with rock-solid data. Check out this table that breaks down the main features:

Feature Description
🔗 Backlink Analysis A deep dive into your website’s backlink situation
📊 Trust Flow & Citation Flow Fancy metrics that tell you how good (and how many) your backlinks are
🏆 Competitor Comparison See how your backlink game stacks up against the competition
🔍 Site Explorer Poke around any site’s backlink data to your heart’s content
📈 Link Context Figure out where and why those backlinks are showing up
🌐 Bulk Backlink Checker Check a whole bunch of URLs for backlinks at once
🎯 Keyword Generator Whip up some relevant keywords based on all that backlink data

Majestic Review: Pros & Cons

Look, no tool is perfect, right? When you’re checking out Majestic for your SEO toolkit, it’s good to know both the awesome stuff and the not-so-great bits. Here’s a quick rundown of the pros and cons to help you decide if it’s the right fit for you:

Pros Cons
Tons of juicy backlink data Can be a head-scratcher for newbies
Cool metrics like Trust Flow & Citation Flow Might make your wallet a bit lighter
Lets you snoop on your competitors Not the best for keyword research
Massive database with backlink history Can be a bit of a resource hog
Great for checking loads of backlinks at once Sometimes takes its sweet time updating data
Spots the context of your backlinks like a pro Could use some love on mobile devices

How to Use Majestic

Alright, let’s get down to business. Using Majestic like a pro can really give your SEO game a boost. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you squeeze every drop of value out of this tool:

  1. Create an Account: First things first, sign up for Majestic. They’ve got some free tools, but if you want the good stuff, you’ll need to pony up for a subscription.
  2. Enter Your Domain: Once you’re in, just pop your website’s URL into the search bar. Majestic will do its thing and spit out a detailed analysis of your backlink profile.
  3. Review Backlink Metrics: Pay attention to the Trust Flow and Citation Flow. These are like the cool kids of backlink metrics – they’ll tell you how good your links are and how many you’ve got.
  4. Analyze Link Context: Use the Link Context feature to see where your backlinks are hanging out. It’s like knowing which parties your links are attending.
  5. Competitor Analysis: Want to know what your competitors are up to? Use the Competitor Comparison tool to see how your backlink profile stacks up against theirs.
  6. Identify Opportunities: The Site Explorer tool is great for finding potential link-building opportunities. It’s like a treasure map for high-quality backlinks.
  7. Utilize Bulk Backlink Checker: Got a bunch of URLs to check? The Bulk Backlink Checker is your best friend. It’s a real time-saver.
  8. Generate Keywords: The Keyword Generator can help you come up with some solid keyword ideas based on your backlink data. It’s pretty nifty for spicing up your content strategy.
  9. Monitor Progress: Keep an eye on your backlink profile and tweak things as needed. It’s like tending a garden – a little regular care goes a long way.

Follow these steps, and you’ll be using Majestic like a pro in no time. It’s all about making the most of these features to boost your SEO game and get your site more visibility online.

FAQ: Majestic

What is Majestic?

Majestic is like a Swiss Army knife for backlink analysis and SEO insights.

How to use Majestic?

Just punch in a URL, and Majestic will serve up all sorts of juicy backlink data and domain metrics to help your SEO efforts.

What does Majestic do?

It’s all about the backlinks, baby! Majestic dishes out detailed metrics to help you fine-tune your SEO strategy.

How to use Majestic for free?

You can take Majestic for a spin with their free trial. It’s limited, but hey, it’s free!

How to cancel Majestic subscription?

Ready to call it quits? Just head to your account settings and look for the option to cancel your subscription.

How to delete Majestic account?

If you want to delete your account completely, you’ll need to reach out to their support team. They’ll help you wipe the slate clean.

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